Recent Transactions

Shayne Gostisbehere DET - D
Winning waiver priority: 5

Succulent Borquechop (Lower waiver priority: 7)

The HighLite-ReeL (Lower waiver priority: 9)

Awarded To:
Pineapple Express Dec 22,12:10 am logo
Wayne Simmonds TOR - RW O
Winning waiver priority: 5

Pineapple Express (Lower waiver priority: 7)

Awarded To:
The HighLite-ReeL Nov 30,12:09 am logo
Logan Couture SJ - C,LW
Winning waiver priority: 4

The HighLite-ReeL (Lower waiver priority: 6)

Succulent Borquechop (Lower waiver priority: 7)

Awarded To:
Clever team name Oct 17,12:09 am logo