Setting Value
League ID#: 4202
League Name: Da League uh Bizehness
Auto-renew Enabled: No
Draft Type: Live Standard Draft
Draft Time: Tue Sep 6 6:00pm PDT
Cash League Settings: Not a cash league
Max Teams: 20
Live Draft Pick Time: 1 Minute, 45 Seconds
Scoring Type: Head-to-Head - Points
Max Acquisitions for Entire Season: No maximum
Max Trades for Entire Season No maximum
Trade End Date: February 23, 2012
Allow Draft Pick Trades: Yes
Waiver Time: 2 days
Waiver Type: Continual rolling list
Waiver Mode: Standard
Allow injured players from waivers or free agents to be added directly to injury slot: No
Can't Cut List Provider: None
Trade Review: None
Post Draft Players: Free Agents
Max Acquisitions per Week: 25
Min goalie appearances per team per week: 1
Weekly Deadline: Daily - Today
Start Scoring on: Week 1
Playoffs: Note: Week 25 runs 6 days from Apr 2 to Apr 7
Playoff Tie-Breaker: Best regular season record vs opponent wins
Playoff Reseeding: No
Lock Eliminated Teams: Yes
Divisions: Yes (2 divisions)
Playoff Seeding Options: Division winners awarded top playoff seeds
Lock Benched Players: No
Make League Publicly Viewable: Yes
Invite Permissions: Commissioner Only
Roster Positions: F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, D, D, D, D, D, D, G, BN, BN, BN, IR, IR
Send unjoined players email reminders: Yes
Forwards/Defensemen Stat Category Value
Goals (G) 2
Assists (A) 2
Points (P) 0
Plus/Minus (+/-) .15
Penalty Minutes (PIM) -.25
Powerplay Points (PPP) 0
Shorthanded Goals (SHG) 2.5
Shorthanded Assists (SHA) 2.5
Shorthanded Points (SHP) 0
Game-Winning Goals (GWG) .5
Shots on Goal (SOG) .25
Faceoffs Won (FW) .2
Faceoffs Lost (FL) -.2
Hits (HIT) .2
Blocks (BLK) .75
Goaltenders Stat Category Value
Games Started (GS) 0
Wins (W) 3
Losses (L) -1.5
Goals Against (GA) -1
Shots Against (SA) 0
Saves (SV) .15
Shutouts (SHO) 1.75